YCCD at AmericaFest 2021
YCCD traveled to Arizona this past week for AmericaFest, a major new conservative conference hosted by Turning Point USA. With more than ten thousand freedom-loving Americans in attendance, and a line-up of prominent conservative speakers, AmericaFest was an action-packed capstone to the year.
The YCCD team enjoyed engaging with fellow young conservative leaders from across the country. In our conversations, we underscored the powerful of free-market energy solutions, the risks of the Green New Deal, and the need for the conservative movement to play offense on these issues.
Despite what leftist activists claim, capitalism isn’t the problem when it comes to climate change. Capitalism is the solution. By rolling back unnecessary regulations, creating a level-playing field for energy competition and innovation, and holding countries like China, Russia, and India accountable for their pollution, we can ensure a clean environment and a strong, growing US economy. This is how we put American interests first.