The Strategic Case for U.S. Climate Leadership
The legendary James A. Baker III and George P. Shultz have co-authored an excellent piece that appears in the latest issue of Foreign Affairs—widely considered one of the United States' most influential foreign policy magazines. In it, they make the strategic case for U.S. climate leadership.
“Even those who remain skeptical of the environmental urgency of the problem should recognize the overwhelming strategic advantages of U.S. climate action at home and abroad.” This includes the economic, geopolitical, and national security rationales for the U.S. to lead the world on climate solutions.
Among other points, Baker and Shultz underscore how the US is locked in a technological arms race with other nations—especially China—over the energy of the future and the jobs that come with it. As they explain:
The United States cannot remain the world’s foremost power if it is not also its leading energy innovator.
Without an American innovation strategy like carbon dividends, other countries could out-perform the US in developing the energy technologies of the future. And without US leadership, other countries could set international climate standards that harm economic growth and America’s national interests. As Baker and Shultz summarize:
If Washington wants to avoid accepting new rules imposed by other countries, it should step up and set its own. Specifically, the United States needs to become the global front-runner in clean energy technologies and forge a U.S.-led climate alliance to advance its national interest. The country has everything to gain from positioning itself, as it so often has, at the head of the table.
It is a highly compelling piece and well worth a read. Here is the link to the original story and below is an excerpt from the featured issue of Foreign Affairs.

The best way to secure the US’ strategic interests on climate and safeguard the American homeland is to make the carbon dividends plan a reality. That’s exactly what YCCD is working to do. We invite you to join us—and young conservative leaders across the country—in advancing this important mission 🇺🇸